I’m “THAT” Mom!
Yup! I’m “THAT” mom. You all know “THAT” mom. The one who is always late. The one whose wardrobe only consists of t-shirts, jeans and flip flops. Im the one whose car always has goldfish, pretzels, and who knows what else ground into the carpet. I’m the one who missed the three emails from the teacher reminding us not to send in candy with the class Valentine’s Day cards (due to food allergies). So after addressing all of my three year olds Valentine’s for his friends, which was indeed candy, I scrounged together Valentine sticker sheets we could use instead. I’m the mom that signed up to bring Valentine’s Day themed applesauce to the class party and I had to stay up until midnight hot gluing google eyes, pom moms and gem stones on to applesauce pouches because I waited until the last minute. I’m the one who can never remember Show and Tell even though it is the same day e-v-e-r-y single week. I’m definitely more of an Amazon mom than a Pinterest mom. My children may or may not have had to wear their uniform pants two days in a row because I’m the Mom that fell asleep and forgot to move the laundry into the dryer. Im the mom that sends lunchables to school some days, like today…and it’s true we even went to Mc. Donald’s a few days ago for dinner. I may be “THAT” mom but I’m ok with that. We all need to give ourselves a break. My family is my number one priority. My kids know without a doubt that they are loved unconditionally and that they are safe. My son may only be wearing one sock, the dishes may be stacked in the sink and there may be random piles of laundry around my house but it will all be there tomorrow. This Valentine’s Day and every day for that matter I’m going to spend my time wisely. We all need to love a little more. A very wise woman once said “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family” -Mother Theresa I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s Day and remember to show “THAT” mom a little extra love and slack!