• Abuse,  Adoption,  Attach,  Disruption,  Foster Care,  Neglect,  Support,  Trauma

    The daughter I almost kicked out.

    I can’t tell you the number of times we have been told “you are an Angel” or “I could never do that.” Please don’t ever put me or any other foster parent on any sort of pedestal. The reality is, we are just people. We make mistakes, we fall short, we are far from perfect. My husband and I were working on cleaning out the garage last week. There was a Rubbermaid box that we had moved from our old home to our new home and never got around to going through it. My husband started sorting through the items and was instantly stopped in his tracks. He held 8…

  • Photo by Lum3n: https://www.pexels.com/photo/red-rose-flowers-bouquet-on-white-surface-beside-spring-book-with-click-pen-and-cup-of-cofffee-1410226/
    Adoption,  Attach,  Birth Mother,  Family,  Foster Care,  Loss,  Mom,  Neglect,  Trauma

    Skipping Mother’s Day

    Well it’s the night before Mother’s Day and if I could just sleep through tomorrow that would be wonderful. Not for reasons you are probably thinking. It’s not because I’m physically exhausted. It’s not because I’ve been homeschooling 8 children for last few months. It’s because of the pain that tomorrow will bring. I wish that we could just blink our eyes and this particular day would be behind us. Mother’s Day is such a painful reminder for so many. I am incredibly blessed to be a mama to some amazing kiddos. Every day feels like Mother’s Day to me. I often just wonder how I got to be so…

  • Family,  Foster Care,  Friends,  Mom,  Support

    Be Supportive

    So you’re having a baby? Congratulations! That’s so exciting! Onesies and presents galore. Of course there will be a baby shower to celebrate and welcome this precious gift. Maybe even multiple showers… you know, one at work, and one with your closest girlfriends and family. Then when the baby arrives, a meal train will begin. You will have so much food you won’t know what to do with it all. Not to mention the family and friends that will come visit and offer their helping hands. Having a baby is, and should be a very exciting time. You should be showered with love, excitement and presents. This is not meant…